Hi! my name is
Kyrstn Hall

4th year CIS student & incoming software engineer

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01. About Me

I'm currently a 4th year CIS major at CSUSM! Being a CIS major, I have knowledge in both Computer Science and Business. When I was a high school senior, I grew an interest in programming and how we are able to write code that solves problems. Throughout my degree, I've learned to enjoy problem solving and being able to transform an idea into a final product. Throughout my career, I hope to be involved in products that help and make an impact on people.

After graduating college in May 2024, I will be joining Wells Fargo as a Software Engineer in their Technology Analyst program in San Fransisco! I also hope to gain more knowledge in cloud computing and cybersecurity.

Outside of school, I enjoy a variety of hobbies including speedcubing, photography, travelling, listening to music (KPOP!!), and exploring new food. Speedcubing has been a big part of my life, as I have been competing since 2017. I enjoy solving puzzles such as the megaminx and have solved a 3x3 in 9 seconds. I also love seeing new places and it is a big goal of mine to visit all 50 states, where I'm currently at 35/50! Going to these places, I enjoy trying out new food, and capturing beautiful landscape & night shots.

Picture Picture

02. Relevant Experience

Software Engineer Intern - Wells Fargo

June 2023 - August 2023

  • Collaborated with 6 engineers in the Transformation Engineering team in an Agile environment to deliver a high-performing microservice in ASP.NET; Implemented distributed caching using Redis, improving application performance and responsiveness
  • Developed API projects using ASP.NET, efficiently managing customer and product information
  • Conducted thorough testing utilizing Swagger, xUnit, and Moq to ensure code quality and functionality
Computer Science Tutor - CSUSM

August 2021 - Present

  • Provide 1 on 1 tutoring to students at the STEM Success Center, assisting over 100+ students using interpersonal & problem-solving skills, and utilizing the Socratic Method
  • Tutor lower and upper-division computer science courses, tutoring topics such as C++, Data Structures, Operating Systems, MIPS Assembly, and Digital Circuits
Computer Science Embedded Tutor - CSUSM

January 2023 - May 2023

  • Answer student questions and guide students when doing in-class pair programming
  • Provide tutoring, homework clarification, and exam review outside of class in the STEM SC

03. Projects

03. Projects
hotBrain GitHub Logo

Neural dating full-stack web application using the BrainBit SDK. While wearing the handband, user is shown short clips of music videos and will be able collect brainwave data to determine potential matches with those with similar brainwaves and interests. Done with group of 5.

FitRat GitHub Logo

Interactive full stack emcommerce website that sells workout clothes. User can add items to cart, can login/create an account, and is able to "pay". Done with group of 4.

CubingDAT GitHub Logo

CubingDAT is a program for speedcubers to save their personal bests on. This program takes in a .txt file filled with data and can export a new .txt file. User creates a username, and is able to add an event and their corresponding times. It can also search for usernames and display that data.

Unix Shell GitHub Logo

CS 436 - Operating Systems project. Designed a Unix shell from scratch using C/C++. Program accepts commands from the user and executes each command in a seperate process. Includes features such as tracking command history, redirecting input & output, and communication via a pipe.

© 2023 Kyrstn Hall. All rights reserved.